Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blogging Biographies

When was the last time you read a biography or autobiography?
The question is; how to find a good one? Below you will find a few highly recommended biographies, either through reviews (New York Times, NPR, etc.) or …hmmmm….other blogs (librarian). You will find these titles and others in Helen Hall Library on a bookshelf next to the stairs and across from the music CD’s. If you need help finding more, ask a librarian. Please take a look and …. Have Fun Reading!
My American Journey by Colin Powell
Bad as I Wanna Be by Dennis Rodman
My Sergei: a love Story by Ekaterina Gordeeva
The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw
Eat, Pray, Love: one woman’s search for everything across Italy, India, and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert
In Espanol; Come, reza, ama: el viaje de una mujer pro Italia, India e Indonesia en busca del equilibrio entre cuerpo y espritu by Elizabeth Gilbert
Wild Swans: three daughters of China by Jung Chang
Escape by Carolyn Jessop
Persepolis by Marjane Strapi
The autobiography of Malcolm X
A long way gone: memoirs of a boy soldier by Ismael Beah
Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man a young man, and life’s greatest lesson by Mitch Albom
True Compass: a memoir by and about Edward Kennedy
Reading Lolita in Tehran: a memoir in books by Azar Nafisi

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