Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Not New but Still Noteworthy

I decided some time ago that I do not know my collection as well as I should and that I should remedy that by going through the whole thing and making sure that I'd read at least one book off each shelf (not very scientific, I know, but a good start). Here are three books that I read while we were closed for Christmas that I was sorry to see end (descriptions taken from our online catalog):

The Hollow Kingdom by Clare Dunkle
In nineteenth-century England, a powerful sorcerer and King of the Goblins chooses Kate, the elder of two orphan girls recently arrived at their ancestral home, Hallow Hill, to be his bride and queen.

The Minister's Daughter by Julie Hearn
In 1645 in England, the daughters of the town minister successfully accuse a local healer and her granddaughter of witchcraft to conceal an out-of-wedlock pregnancy, but years later during the 1692 Salem trials their lie has unexpected repercussions.

The Queen's Soprano by Carol Dines
Seventeen year-old Angelica Voglia lives in seventeenth-century Rome and has the voice of an angel, but because the pope forbids women to sing in public, she must escape to Queen Christina's palace to become a court singer.

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