Monday, August 30, 2010

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

The third and final book in The Hunger Games Trilogy, Mockingjay  was released last Tuesday.  I cannot remember the last time I was so excited to get my hands on a book.  If you are one of the many fans of The Hunger Games you may share the same excitement.  For those of you who have not heard of, or read The Hunger Games I highly (stress on highly) recommend that you read it!  The books are written for a young adult audience, but it is something adults won’t be able to put down either.

I don’t want to spoil Mockingjay for those who have not had the chance to read it yet, but I do want to say that odds are you will not be disappointed.  I loved every page and was sad when I finished the book because it is the last of the trilogy.    

The Hunger Games (the first novel) is set to be made into a  movie sometime in the near future (possibly 2011).  Lions gate acquired rights for the movie in 2009.  The screenplay was written by Collins and is currently being polished by another screenwriter.  Casting has not yet taken place.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Online Book Club- Historical Fiction

This blog post is where participants in the Fall 2010 Online Book Club for Historical Fiction will introduce themselves (in the Comments). Posting your introduction from the library during the August 28 kickoff event (3-5 pm) earns you Bake Sale Bucks!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Join Helen Hall Library's Online Book Clubs

Saturday, August 28, 2010 3-5 pm
Online Book Clubs
New! Read titles selected from six different genres and
participate online over four different networks.
Registration Kickoff
Mini Bake Sale* | Book and Log Pickup | Computer Help
Saturday, August 28, 2010 3-5 pm

Your opportunity to….
Learn about the online book clubs
Get first crack at the books
Get help with the various sites upon which the books will be discussed
Participate in Mini Bake Sale to practice for the FINALE*

*Points will earned for books read and discussion postings. These points will be the only valid currency at the Book Club Bake Sale on Dec. 11. The more you read, the more you FEED!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New in Teen Fiction

If you are looking for a fun book to enjoy during the last few weeks of summer I recommend Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs. Lily has been keeping a massive secret from all of her friends and classmates, she is a mermaid! Lily is just not any mermaid. She is the Princess of Thalassinia, a secret mermaid city. Lily’s mother was a terapid (human) making Lily half human and half mermaid. She has been spending time as a human and attending high school on shore to learning more about the human world. During her time on shore she has developed a massive crush on a hunk from the swim team. However, Lily quickly learns that relationships on shore can be just as complicated as those in the mermaid world. Forgive My Fins is a fast paced fun to read book that will likely have you asking when the sequel will be out.