Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cane River by Lalita Tademy

Cane River tells the story of four generations of women growing up in slavery and then as free people of color in Louisiana, living and working on the plantations of Creole planters, then subsequently on their own land. The author fictionalizes her family history creating a "painstaking historical reconstruction with unforgettable storytelling" portraying the "complex, unspoken bonds between slaves and slave owners" (

A fast and easy read, this book is well worth your time.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Book Review Club

Sally Busbee will review Patriotic Fire this Thursday, Nov. 13 at 10:30am.
It's sure to be an interesting program. Please join us!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

"But I don't WANNA read a series about vampires! I scccared!" That's what I thought over and over each time a teen requested one of the books in the Twilight series...until I went to a workshop entitled "Books for Reluctant Teen Readers." The room was filled with middle-aged librarians, and the speaker held up Twilight. "This book is about a girl who falls in love with a vampire..." One of the librarians interrupted her. "It's a book about a HOT vampire!!" The rest of the room busted out laughing, agreeing wholeheartedly.

I just finished the final book in the series...I never was scared, and the vampire...oh, yes...VERY hot!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Clay" - Great YA book that's comfortably creepy

"Clay"***** by award-winning young adult author David Almond:

An alter boy turned evil, using the name of the Lord to create life out of clay -- (think Frankenstein). This novel sits on the edge of the horror genre, yet it sticks close enough to reality that you feel like, if you only had the strong will to believe, you too could create a living being out of clay.
Excellent plot, great characters, and the writing is well crafted. This book has it all.
I admit that I judged this book by its interesting cover: a muddy-faced clay sculpture that looks like it's about ready to breathe. I just had to read it.
I've got a few more pages to read, then it will be back on the shelves at HHL.